Saturday, April 12, 2008

Neuromsacular junction..

tomorrow is my physiology exam.. my last exam paper in upm (kalau aku x sambung mater di sini lah..) there are 8 chapters to cover. last night i did discussion with my friends, felt like my head is gonna xplode...Nik! jihad sikit lagi je.. lepas ni takde exam dah.. do your best! gambate!

the peripheral nervous system has 2 divisions, somatic and autonomic nervous system. somatic nervous system controls voluntary action whereas autonomic nervous systems controls involuntary action. Both systems have 2 basic neurons; sensory neuron and motor neuron. in somatic nervous systems, a sensory neuron receive stimulus detected by exteroceptors (receptrs that accept stimuli from external environment, like heat, light, pain..bla bla) whereas in autonomic nervous system, stimulus is detected by interoceptors (receptors detecting stmulus from internal environment. example, change in concentration of carbon dioxide in blood, stretch of cervix wall.. etc). Sensory neurons will send impulse to central nervous system (brain or spinal cord) via interneuron. the information will be processed by brain and output will be send out via interneurons to motor neuron. Motor neuron is the neuron that will pass the output to the effector. in somatic nervous system, the effectors are mainy skeletal muscles (muscles that are attached to skeleton/bone), while in the autonomic nervous system, the effectors are glands, cardiac muscles (muscles in the heart) and smooth muscle (muscles except the skeletal muscles). ... in autonomic nervous system, there are 2 motor neurons, the preganglionic neuron and the postganglionic neuron.............................................

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