Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Secret of Charisma

Why do some people have an immediate and positive effect on us, while others inspire indifference or even aversion? Why do some people seem to be born under a lucky star while others spend their entire lives vegetating? Why are some people perpetually popular while others have no friends at all? Did you know that 80% of today's millionaires comes from middle or lower-class backgrounds?

We are astounded by the achievements of historical figures, or by our contemporaries - colleagues, friends or relatives - who exert such a powerful influence on people that as soon as they open their mouths everyone seems to listen with rapt attention, unwilling to miss anything they have to say.

These people possess an abundance of what is called charisma (derived from the Greek for 'divine grace'). To use a more material term, we could say that these people's personalities are 'magnetic'.

Charismatic persons seem to feel at ease wherever they go. They leave a trail of optimism and enthusiasm in their wake. They smile at you, and you forget about your problems and the dark clouds overhead. Their simple desire become your sacred commands.

Perhaps you've tried to study one of these people,to find out just what it is that makes them tick. And of course, you failed. Why?
Quite simply because there is no mystery at all! People with charisma make no special effort to attract attention, respect, friendship or love. They just carry on being themselves.

Charisma has nothing to do with physical attributes. It springs from the heart, from the soul and mind of a person, and not from the body. like all great powers, it is intangible.

To be cont'...

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